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Dechoker – New device to treat emergency choking available from ProTrainings

DechokerDechoker has just been launched in the UK and it is available from ProTrainings. It is available in three sizes, adult, child and infant. Be ready to respond when someone experiences a choking emergency in your home or business. The Dechoker is an anti-choking device small enough to keep with a first-aid kit. The adult-sized unit is designed for ages 12 and up.

Each size is £89.50 plus VAT and available from our shop from your ProTrainings login, by phone on 01206 805380 or you can buy online by visiting our first aid supplies website.

The Dechoker uses powerful suction to remove food from the airway. It works in seconds and is easy to use on yourself or someone else. Registered as an FDA Class 2 medical device, the Dechoker is approved to be manufactured sterilized and ISO13485 compliant. Dechoker can be used for up to two years in a home. It is designed for single use in public spaces or places of business.

When you consider the safety of your family, friends, workplace, and community, having the Dechoker on hand can give you peace of mind.

A life-threatening choking attack can happen to anyone, even you.

The eldery, small children (infants especially) and people suffering from certain diseases are more likely to experience choking. Here are just some of the statistics:

The team at Dechoker has designed a revolutionary new medical device that can help increase your chances or a loved one’s chances of surviving a choking emergency. It helps to know the Heimlich manoeuvre, but you might not be big or strong enough to perform it on the person choking. The other alternative, performing a Tracheotomy, is something very few would be able to do. Dechoker is our very sensible answer to this problem. Time is of the essence when trying to help someone choking, and it’s very distressing to all involved. Dechoker is our very sensible answer to this problem.

The Dechoker is easy to use and can even be used if you are alone. We believe dechoker can give you the piece of mind you need to be there for your family, co-workers and wherever your help might be needed. Every home, school, building and family vehicle should have one!

Dechoker Instructions

1. Remove Dechoker from package, pull handle once or twice

2. Lay individual on their back, tilt up head, lifting chin up for access to airway

3. Insert tube into mouth, respirator facecap covering mouth and nose for no longer than 3 second intervals

4. Apply thumb at bottom of chin and index finger on one side of respirator, middle finger on the other side of respirator

5. Apply light pressure, begin pulling the plunger upwards. Repeat steaps 4-5 if neccessary

6. Never leave respirator covering mouth and nose over 3 seconds at any point. Countdown 3…2…1

7. Roll individual over on their side to allow debris out of mouth to avoid pulmonary aspiration

The ‘golden hour’ is firmly established as a key principle of timely management following serious injury. Seconds really do count when the airway is obstructed and avoidable delay can result in death.According to information provided by the NHS and UK and European Resus Councils, one should NEVER use abdominal thrusts with babies under one year old, pregnant women or people who are obese. Never attempt to put your fingers into your child’s throat to feel for the object; doing so could lodge the item more firmly in his airway.

Time is of The Essence

0-4 minutes: Brain Damage Unlikely
4-6 minutes: Brain Damage Possible
6-10 minutes: Brain Damage Likely
10+ minutes: Probable Brain Death
Average Emergency Response Time: 7-12 minutes


‘In my opinion the Dechoker ACD (Anti-Choking Device) should be part of of all resuscitation/first-aid kits; in ambulances, for the fire brigade, the police…and in every home.  Where abdominal thrusts and back slaps have not worked or the first responder is unable to perform this intervention, the Dechoker ACD should be used ASAP’

Dr A Biswas, FRCA, Consultant Anaesthestist, Clinical Tutor, Nottingham University NHS Trust, United Kingdom.

You can pre-order by phone on 01206 805380 or click here to buy online or you can buy via the ProTrainings shop.  Use the code online “ProTrainingsDechoker” to offset the delivery charge to make free delivery. Choose what size you require. Delivery will be as soon as stocks arrive in the UK.

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